Facebook marketing is integral to any brand’s online presence, helping to establish brand recognition, generate leads and reach wider audiences.

Paid ads on Facebook can be an effective way to expand your reach. You can set daily or monthly budgets, select target audiences, and choose various ad formats (video and image carousels) to reach them effectively.

1. Create a Page

Facebook marketingCreating a page gives your business an identity on Facebook, enabling you to communicate updates to followers. Be mindful that any posts made are tailored towards the relevant audience; otherwise, they could unfollow or unlike your response page.

When creating a Facebook page for your business, you must give a name and select an appropriate category. This information helps Facebook match your page with users looking for similar content, while you can also include bio information and website details.

As soon as your page is up and running, add a profile picture that meets social media image sizes so it appears clearly in people’s newsfeeds. After this Facebook marketing step is complete, choose from among Facebook’s several templates to customise tabs and primary call-to-action button options, such as “book now” and “shop on our website,” to engage followers and drive customer conversions. Each includes different default tabs, which you can modify by removing those you no longer require or rearranging to list the essential ones first.

2. Post Regular Content

Posting content to Facebook can be a powerful way to drive traffic and keep your business at the forefront of customers’ minds. While your organic reach may have decreased since Facebook’s January algorithm update, this shouldn’t stop you from sharing valuable info!

Consider testing different kinds of posts to see what resonates best with your target audience. Typically, posts that are either funny/entertaining, informative/educational or motivational/inspirational tend to see the highest engagement rates on Facebook.

Time of day when posting is also key. Finding out when most of your target audience members are most active – for instance, during an evening shift at work or lunch breaks at school – could increase the odds that your post appears in their News Feeds.

Some brands have found success in posting plain-text status updates. However, photos should always accompany these. Just be wary of “meme photos”, stock images with humorous or dramatic text layered over them – this practice has recently seen decreased distribution by Facebook. Cross-posting blog content to Facebook is another effective strategy that exposes your business to new audiences.

3. Use Paid Ads

Look-alike audiences are an effective strategy for paid ads that allow more targeted prospect targeting than is available through other methods. Look-alike audiences can be created from your Custom Audience, Pixel data (users who have visited your website or post-click landing page), mobile app activity or Page likes.

As part of any new ad launch, test minor modifications to messaging and visuals. It can help ensure your ad performs as intended and reaches its target market effectively.

4. Use Facebook Ads Manager

Facebook Ads Manager makes creating, managing, and analysing ads simple and effective. It allows you to target audiences based on location, age, work, political affiliation and interests and provide the tools to reach them safely and privately.

Facebook marketing allows you to prioritise your business goals and choose an ad format most suitable for them. For example, if your goal is increasing website clicks, Facebook might suggest either Link or Carousel ads as viable choices; both may work effectively, but remember that Carousel ads may cost more.

Businesses that succeed with Facebook ads tend to rely on incremental revenue rather than through one transaction, such as daily deals and subscription sites. They ask customers for their email addresses before offering low-friction conversions such as weekly newsletters or discounts on future purchases – giving them time to build trust before asking them for money.

5. Create a Messenger Campaign

Messenger ads allow you to communicate directly with people who click on your ad, providing an opportunity to spark dialogue, provide answers and encourage potential clients to contact your business now. They’re easy to build more personalised connections with audiences across social networks.

How to Use Facebook Marketing to Build Brand Awareness and Generate Leads