There are many signs your child needs a speech pathologist. Here are some of them:


Treatment for stuttering can be either intensive or non-intensive. An intensive program involves 40 hours of therapy per week or more. It may not work for everyone, however. Therapy sessions vary in length depending on the severity of the handicap and the goals of the treatment. Individuals should consult with a speech pathologist to determine which type of therapy will be most beneficial for their needs.

Children with stuttering often exhibit secondary characteristics such as head nodding, excessive use of filler words, or abandoning a thought mid-sentence. A speech pathologist will assess your child’s stuttering during a speech screening to determine the appropriate treatment approach. They will also determine whether or not you need to begin therapy immediately.

Treatment for stuttering is usually behavioural and involves teaching people specific skills and behaviours to improve oral communication. Individuals learn to control their speech rate by slowing down, making them less physically tense, and controlling their breathing. The program starts with practising a slow, fluent speech rate. It may start with short phrases or sentences, as the treatment is geared toward reducing stuttering in individuals with various speech rate levels.

Once children reach elementary school, stuttering can become a severe problem. They may avoid talking in front of others, or they may avoid class discussions altogether. In primary school, children who stutter often are not perceived as leaders by their peers and may even be bullied. The condition can even lead to stress and anxiety among teens. Stuttering can also make intimacy more complex and lower self-esteem.


Dysphonia is a voice disorder caused by abnormalities in the vocal cords, also known as the vocal folds. Other causes of this disorder include problems with airflow in the lungs or abnormal structures in the throat near the vocal cords. When you experience these symptoms, you should see a speech pathologist for a thorough evaluation. Below are the top Dysphonia signs indicating that you should seek medical care.

One of the most common types is spasmodic dysphonia. The main symptom of this disorder is an involuntary movement of the vocal cords, which results in straining and lisping in speech. It typically starts with mild symptoms and gradually worsens over time. Eventually, it can affect every word spoken. It can affect people of any age, although the first signs typically appear in people who spend a lot of time discussing their jobs.

Another treatment for dysphonia is Botox injections. These are given to the affected muscles to relieve spasms and prevent further damage temporarily. A physician can accurately place the injections using an imaging device called electromyography (EMG). The procedure is quick and relatively painless and can provide three months of relief. However, it is essential to note that these methods are not a cure for the condition and should only be used when all other treatments have failed.

A speech pathologist SA will work with your otolaryngologist to determine the cause of your dysphonia. They will listen to your voice and assess your vocal folds to determine if a structural issue is affecting your voice. A speech pathologist will also perform an otolaryngologist exam to rule out any other diseases or abnormalities in the vocal cords.

Cleft lip

If you suspect your child has a cleft lip and palate, they should see a speech pathologist for evaluation. Speech disorders in children with cleft lip and palate are more common than you think. Children with cleft lip and palate typically have difficulties establishing the air pressure necessary for speech sounds. They may still develop habitual speech patterns due to their structural deformities, but they can be taught to use proper air pressure to make speech sounds. In addition, it helps reduce their risk of developing compensatory maladaptive articulation problems.

Parents of children with cleft lips and palate should meet with a speech pathologist as soon as possible. A speech pathologist can assess speech and language development and work with other specialists to correct the problem. Children with cleft lip and palate may also need oral surgery to correct the problem. The surgery to repair the cleft lip and palate is typically performed in the child’s first year. Additional reconstructive surgeries may be needed as the child grows into adolescence.

Some cleft lip and palate cases may not be caused by genetic or environmental factors and may be entirely preventable. However, other cleft lip and palate conditions can affect infants’ speech, causing nasal speech and behavioural problems. Parents with a family history of cleft lip and palate should seek genetic counselling. Genetic counselling is essential to determining whether or not their child is at risk for this condition.

Early assessment is essential for the recovery of speech and language development. The speech pathologist will work with the surgeon to coordinate assessments and management of the child’s case. An early assessment of communication and language development should begin before the child can talk. Early evaluation of speech and language skills will help determine whether your child can benefit from secondary surgery or speech therapy. Identifying the right age for palate repair and subsequent intervention is crucial.

Velopharyngeal insufficiency

Clancy is a condition in which the sphincter at the back of the throat does not close tightly enough to seal the airway during speech. The condition affects speech production and makes it difficult for children to communicate effectively. In addition, it can lead to snoring, nasal air emission, and a nasal tone in the voice.

Another cause of velopharyngeal insufficiency is an anomaly in the cervical spine. It can result in an abnormally deep throat or the velum not being long enough to contact the back wall of the throat during speech production. Other causes include traumatic brain injury or Klippel-Feil syndrome. If the cleft palate has been repaired and remains short, the child may have submucosal velopharyngeal insufficiency. The condition is also caused by a lack of muscle in the back of the throat. The adenoids sometimes help seal the back of the nose during speech.

speech pathologist SAThe symptoms of velopharyngeal insufficiencies can vary from person to person, and your speech should be evaluated by a speech pathologist. If you have one of these symptoms, see your speech pathologist as soon as possible. If the condition is more severe, surgery may be necessary. Your speech pathologist can determine which treatments will best treat your particular case.

Surgical correction of velopharyngeal insufficiencies is not a cure for the condition. However, speech therapy can play a vital role in the preoperative and postoperative care of children with velopharyngeal insufficiency. Surgical procedures can improve the condition but do not solve the underlying structural problem.

Signs You Need to See a Speech Pathologist